contractures and elbow stiffness


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  • The role of total elbow replacement for elbow stiffness

    The role of total elbow replacement for elbow stiffness

    posted 4/25/07 in Contractures and Elbow Stiffness

    When severe post-traumatic arthritis, heterotopic bone formation, or capsular contracture restrict elbow motion after injury--thereby limiting hand fuction, restoration of functional motion may be obtainable with elbow replacement as opposed to attempts at preserving the native elbow joint in conjunction with excision of scar tissue, extra bone etc.Although elbow replacment...

  • Restoration of motion by contracture release

    Restoration of motion by contracture release

    posted 4/24/07 in Contractures and Elbow Stiffness

    Whether due to immobilization in a cast, extra (heterotopic)bone formation, capsular tightness---elbow stiffness may interfere tremendously with functional motion, and impair, indirectly, optimal function/use of the hand.Fortunately, surgical techniques allow restoration of motion, when therapy alone is not successful. Postoperatively PT is critical and it is not unusual to treat...